Friday, April 6, 2012

"FML"...TGIF...and the Language of the Heart

After logging into my blog this morning, and having to reset my password again because I've forgotten it so many times, I realized I haven't written a blog post since Good Friday of 2011. I don't believe in coincidence, so I'm going to write again today. It's just after 6:30 AM here in chilly North Idaho, and I was awakened this morning to the sound of a smoke detector with a weak battery. I ignored it for a little while, but the sound became so annoying, and while laying in bed trying to pretend there really wasn't an occasional beeping noise piercing through my house, I began to think about Good Friday. The thoughts of the sacrifice Jesus made for me are almost overwhelming this morning, so I'm going to write. As you read this, just's 6:30 in the morning.

Recently, I've seen and heard several people, mostly on Facebook and Twitter, finish their negative status reports with the three letter..."F-M-L." I won't take the time to turn my blog into an explicit content post, if you want to figure out what these three letters stand for, Google it, or continue reading and a light will probably go on.

I want to say, that for the Christian, uttering these three words...rather letters, abbreviating completely unacceptable. Where is the joy of the Lord? Where is self-control? Where is contentment? Where is gratitude? Today is Good Friday, and if you are a believer in Christ, and tempted today to write the letters, "FML" after a quip about your life's circumstances, instead, why don't you open your Bible to Hebrews 12:2 and read these words: "Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God." Honestly, if I see another brother or sister in Christ type "FML" after their Facebook post, I just might lose my own sense of self-control! If you have Christ in your life, "the hope of glory," there's no reason for you to EVER utter such a thing - and if you're circumstances truly have you down, then place them at the feet of Jesus. Instead of whining about it...pray!

If you are not a Christian and are reading this for some reason, or if you have made a commitment to Christ at some point in your life, but your faith has no impact on the way you live, then let me offer you some good news on this Good Friday. Romans 5:8 says, "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Maybe you are tempted to say, "FML" in regard to your own life circumstances - maybe your life seems so out of control, those three words are the only words you can come up with at the close of the day. Before you are tempted to go that route, know that you are loved. You are loved by the God of the universe, who was willing to send His only Son to die in your place, for your sin so that you can have life. The life that Christ offers to everyone is "life to the full." (John 10:10) Full and satisfying life - that's why Good Friday is so significant for me. I am so thankful that Jesus was willing to give up His life, so that I can have new life in His name.

What is the language of your heart on this Good Friday? I woke up this morning with an overwhelming sense of gratitude for the life that Christ has given me. Today, I want to shout, "TGIF!" (Thank God it's Friday OR Thank God, I'm Forgiven!) Or maybe I'll add something to the letters that have become so annoying to me lately. Maybe I'll change it to, "FMLHG." "For my life, He gave."